Wednesday, 19 December 2018

OSHA Loading Dock Standards May Save Countless Lives

OSHA Loading Dock Standards
A loading dock can be a dangerous area for work with 25% of all injuries occurring on loading docks. Untrained commercial drivers may be the cause of these safety hazards. A simple CDL is not enough for handling cargo.

The right safety equipment for loading carriers has to be installed to comply with OSHA loading dock standards; in fact, employees are trained in an HCS (Hazard Communication Standard) against accidents. For example, loading racks are used to keep the regulation of safety in case your loading bar punctures a hazardous material container.

OSHA Loading Dock Standards

The OSHA loading dock standards advise drivers on how to take care of the loading and unloading of ships. Untrained dockhands can lead to forklift injuries and loading dock deaths. As a result, you as the employer would have to pay hefty compensation for damages. On the CDL, in fact, Alley Docking is the toughest practical test because employees have to be aware of tail swinging. Employers need to take care of a couple of precautions to ensure the safety of employers and on-site managers.

For example, “employers would not be required to install guardrail systems on the working side of platforms, such as loading docks, where the employer can demonstrate that the presence of guardrails would prevent the performance of work.” Taken from the loading dock requirements of OSHA standards, it was released in 1990. Keeping your employees safe is key, and this saves them from a potentially dangerous fall. You can pile your loading bar with yellow loading racks for better utility.

Cases Of Accidents

Hard-working dockhands often may face hazardous conditions that exist. Here are some loading dock incidents in the news that occurred:

  •  In January 2017, a 44-year-old worker in Las Vegas, after being struck by a tractor-trailer at an Albertson’s loading dock suffered fatal injuries.

  •  In September 2017, a warehouse employee working on the loading dock suffered debilitating permanent injuries when he was found stuck between the loading dock and trailer. The incident took place when he unloading avocados and truck rolled backward.

Importance of Loading Dock Standard Guidelines by OSHA

It is estimated around 5 million workplaces will be made safer with the current update in the HCS. You can be sure of your protection and safety. We often come across deaths and injuries. Following such guidelines helps us because of regular updates. Follow protocol and stay safe. Make sure they are followed too.

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